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All About Me!

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Hello everyone!! Let me introduce myself. My name is Andini Salsabila Puteri. You can call me Andien. I'm 14 years old. I was born on 30th October 2002 in Majalengka. I have long and black hair, but I use hijab. I have black and big eyes but I use eyeglasses.

I have 1 little sister and 1 little brother. So, I'm the oldest. My sister's name is Dinda Ainura Puteri, she's 12 years old. My brother's name is Muhamad Debrian Subita, he's 3 years old. My father's name is Omang Solehudin and my mother's name is Hetty Puspitasari. My father is a banker and now he is in Medan. My mother is a housewife and she live with me and my siblings in Bandung.

Before I live in Bandung, I was live in Gresik. I lived in Gresik for 6 years. I have a lot of friends there. But, when I was in third grade, I have to leave my friends and moved to Bandung. Now, I live in Buah Batu Regency, Bandung.

In Bandung, I studied at Karang Pawulang Elementary School, and then I studied at 2 Junior High School. Now, I study at 3 Senior High School in 10th grade.

My hobby is reading. I like reading fiction novel because I think it's fun, just like you are in to the story. I like watching movie too. I like fiction movies like disney and I like action/superhero movies like The Avengers. Sometimes, I watch horror movie but only if I with my friends.  

My favorite food is fried chicken. I like it because my mother always cook it for me. My favorite color is pink and white because I think the composition is very nice. 

What's my dream? My dream is to be a doctor. I can't remember since when I want to be a doctor, maybe from I was at elementary school. Hmm, I don't know. I want to be a doctor because I want my life is useful for others, for example, to cure sick people. So, I really want to continue my study in Universitas Indonesia (UI) or Universitas Padjajaran (UNPAD). aamiin...

Maybe that's all about me. I hope you enjoy this blog. Thank You!!

Wassalamualaiakum Wr. Wb.


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